Members of the Month 2022 - 2023
As part of FIA’s mission of building community and unity with other Filipinos, we want to acknowledge members of our organization for their activeness and participation in helping us work towards our mission. Below are out featured members of the month!
October 2022

Alec Sayson
What has been your favorite memory in FIA so far?
My favorite memory in FIA is getting to know more and more filipinos that I can relate to!
Jaeley Banzon
What has been your favorite memory in FIA so far?
One of my favorite memories from FIA is being a part of FIA Cultural. It has brought me some of my best friends, and I have so much fun during every practice. Our wedding gig back in the beginning of October was an absolute blast. We hungout at Allen’s house, ate some wingsss, and watched spyxfamily. Then we performed our HEARTS out and killed that gig!!! I am forever grateful for all the memories FIA Cultural has given me and can’t wait for what the future holds ahhhh. Now of course I have to end this little blurb with theee best countdown, “3…2…1…CULTURAL!!!”

Paolo Carino
What has been your favorite memory in FIA so far?
Just playing and making music with liwan late into the nights and the one tinikling performance I did after that everyone was so relieved and happy and we were all so proud! It was such a fun time. Oh and also just AKKA day in general when we all got our ates and kuyas and kapatids. It was just rly exciting.
September 2022
Kayla Cabel
What has been your favorite memory in FIA so far?
Oooo my favorite memory is just hanging in the atrium, having the opportunity to establish long-lasting bonds and friendships with everyone: it’s a fun and loving environment to create goofy memories. As well as knowing I have a great support system, along with CASH lineage, to guide/support my journey!!
Oo and eating out at iron age was the first memory I had with a bunch of you guys. Y’all took care of me so well and it was very welcoming

Justin Dinh
What has been your favorite memory in FIA so far?
I love all the memories I’ve made in FIA but my favorite memory is perhaps the simplest one: walking into the atrium every single day.I am always greeted by a friend and I feel a community embracing me each time I enter the atrium. It’s helped me get through a lot of struggle and hardship both physically and emotionally.